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Zonic The Zone Cop Papercraft




Aqui esta mais um papercraft. Este é o Zonic The Zone Cop,ele é um tipo de Sonic que trabalha como um policial intergalatico nos quadrinhos da Archie em que ele e os seus amigos policiais vigiam as zonas onde existem mundos paralelos com versões diferentes dos mundos do Sonic e dos seus amigos. Em em diversas ocasioes ele pediu ajuda ao Sonic da dimensão Mobius prime para resolver algum problema (onde acontece as historias dos quadrinhos da Archie),outras ele mesmo apresentou as outras dimensões ao leitor e algumas ele mesmo resolvia os problemas. Alguns destes personagens destas dimensões paralelas eu ja fiz os seus papercrafts(Scourge,Sonik e o Manic The hedgehog).

Para fazer o papercraft do Zonic eu peguei o corpo do Sonic e colori ele de vermelho e as luvas pintei de azul com uma tira amarela.Ja as botas eu peguei as pernas do papercraft do Megaman (da serie legends) e juntei com as botas do Sonic (com as cores modificadasem ambos),cortei a metada das pernas para ficar no tamanho certo e criei as ombreiras e o cinto. Neste caso eu coloquei a foto dele sem o capacete e com o capacete. No caso do capacete eu peguei o capacete do Megaman(da serie bate network) e modifiquei as cores e utilizei a parte das perna do papercraft do Sonic (dividido ao meio) e fiz as antenas. O resultado esta ai.

Graças as botas dele eu poderei fazer os papercrafts de personagens que usam botas longas (Amy Rose,Silver entre outros personagens) da serie oficial e ate mesmo papercrafts de personagens feito por fans da serie.

Ai vai o link da ficha do Zonic The Zone Cop (ate para não confundir com o Rôbo Sonic chamado Zonik):




Here is another papercraft. This is the Zonic the Zone Cop, he is a kind of Sonic who works as an intergalactic police officer in the Archie comic book in which he and his friends policemen guarding the areas where there are parallel worlds with different versions of the worlds of Sonic and his friends . On several occasions he called in to help Sonic Mobius dimension prime to solve a problem (in which case the stories of the Archie comics), others he had other dimensions to the reader and himself some problems solved. Some of these parallel dimensions of these characters I already did your papercrafts (Scourge, Sonik and Manic The Hedgehog).

To make the papercraft Zonic I got Sonic's body and color it with red gloves and painted blue with a yellow stripe. Have I got the boots the legs of papercraft Megaman (Megaman Legends) and joined with the boots of the Sonic (with the colors modificadasem both), cut to half of the legs to stay in the right size and created the pads and belt. In this case I put his picture without his helmet and the helmet. For the helmet I took the helmet from Megaman (Battle Network) and changed colors and used the leg part of the Sonic papercraft (halved) and did the dishes. The result is there.

Thanks to his boots I can make the character papercrafts using long boots (Amy Rose, Silver and other characters) from the official series and even character papercrafts made ​​by fans of the series.

There goes the link of the plug from Zonic the Zone Cop (up to avoid confusion with the Sonic Robo called Zonik):


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2170x1560px 2 MB
© 2011 - 2024 augustelos
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Hi, which paper do you use? I'm searching for a good paper and i can't figure out which one is the best to build papercraft models. Glossy? Matte? Textured? Photo paper? 
Could you give me a little help? >.< 
(Sorry for my english, my native language is portuguese)
Thank you!